Kira Vibe Jespersen

KiraKira Vibe Jespersen is a Psychologist (cand.psych) and holds an additional bachelor in Music Therapy. She is currently doing a PhD project on the impact of music on sleep at the Center of Functionally Integrative Neuroscience, University of Aarhus, Denmark. The aim of the project is to investigate if music can be used as an effective intervention to improve sleep quality and to assess the relevant musical aspects involved. Kira’s primary research interests are the emotional and physiological impact of music and the potential use of music in clinical settings. She has been doing clinical work with traumatized refugees suffering from PTSD, and her MSc thesis involved an empirical study on the use of music as a tool to improve sleep quality in traumatized refugees. Kira has been playing music of various genres from classical choir to indie rock and country, as well as writing and performing her own music.


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